Friday, April 12, 2013

Basel Committee Reports To G20 Finance Ministers And Central Bank Governors On Basel III Implementation

April 12, 2013

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has today published its Report to G20 Finance Ministers
and Central Bank Governors on monitoring implementation of Basel III regulatory reform. The report
will be considered at the meeting of G20 ministers and governors in Washington DC on 18-19 April.

Full, timely and consistent implementation of Basel III remains fundamental to building a resilient financial
system, maintaining public confidence in regulatory ratios and providing a level playing field for
internationally active banks. In this report, substantial progress can be observed with respect to (i) the adoption
of the Basel rules by Basel Committee member jurisdictions, (ii) the strengthening of the capital base by
internationally active banks and (iii) the finalisation of remaining post-crisis reforms that form part of the Basel
regulatory framework.

Stefan Ingves, Chairman of the Committee and Governor of Sveriges Riksbank, said: "Since the Basel
Committee’s report to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in October 2012, there has
been significant progress in many areas. Many Committee members now have final Basel III rules in place and
the progress made by banks in strengthening their capital base is encouraging. Nevertheless, there is more
to do. In particular, those jurisdictions that have not yet issued final versions of their domestic Basel III
regulations need to do so as soon as possible, and bring themselves into line with the internationally agreed
implementation timetable."

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